More About Me

My name is Kate and I have worked in CRM and Email Marketing since the beginning of my career. I’ve led the CRM at some amazing retail startups, specialising in creating and executing CRM strategies for marketplace businesses with large data sets on both the product and customer side.

Working for startups gave me the freedom to focus on getting to the bottom of what customers really want and what they respond best to. This resulted in better ROI and a better experience for the customers - one that had them coming back, introducing new customers and speaking highly of the brand.

I’ve found that CRM is not always understood or businesses aren’t sure where to start and what to prioritise. Often, a business will focus on converting the first purchase but not consider the second or beyond. This is despite the fact that the main channel associated with CRM - Email Marketing - is known to have the highest ROI of all marketing channels. My aim is to help brands demystify CRM and craft thoughtful, powerful strategies that delight the customer and boost sales with strong retention.