My Services

CRM Audit

Are you doing CRM but not sure if you’re doing it well? This is where I come in.

How do you create revenue-driving lifecycle flows that encapsulate your brand? How do you analyse and segment your customers effectively? How do you identify and improve your biggest CRM revenue drivers? How can we encourage loyalty? What are the correct KPIs? If you want the answers to these questions and more, the CRM Audit is for you.

I will use my expertise to analyse and audit your existing CRM set up, help you elevate the experience for customers and unlock increased sales for your business.

What’s Covered?

  • From your welcome series through to post purchase and beyond, the lifecycle flows are opportunities to engage with your customers at crucial milestones in their journey with your brand. Finessing your balance between brand and sales is key for these comms.

  • Timely, hyper-personalised comms such as your cart abandon, back in stock and price drop can drive sales and engagement when done well. Let me scope out these opportunities and how best to execute them.

  • Often overlooked, transactional communications can make a huge difference to the customer experience and drive repeat orders. Transactional emails tend to have the highest engagement of all, let’s make the most of that.

  • Are you getting the best out of your leads and customers during sign up and account creation? Laying the foundations of robust, actionable customer data will allow you to craft personalised, timely communications that resonate better with your audience. I’ll review your sign up process and customer data fields and identify opportunities to elevate, future proofing your CRM efforts.

  • Are you sending the right message to the right person at the right time? Identifying the hierarchy of your communications, auditing and fine-tuning your segments and setting rules to help reduce over contacting (or “spamming”) in favour of sending the best message for the customer will improve performance, maintain strong deliverability and reduce your unsubscribes, resulting in better sales in the long term.

  • Analysing your campaigns is crucial in understanding performance and where to go next to keep engagement and sales high. I’ll review your reporting, advise on your metrics and how to turn insight from the numbers into actions. If required, we can also discuss putting together a testing plan.

How It Works

  • Kick Off

    Send me your brand guidelines and objectives before our 60 minute kick off call. I’ll come armed with a strong understanding of your key messages and we can dive into your current setup and processes, dig into your pain points and I can ask and answer any questions.

  • Audit

    Let me take it away. I’ll conduct a full audit and analysis of your CRM offering and put together a comprehensive, bespoke strategy document with recommendations on the existing set up, any new revenue generating opportunities and ways to improve the customer experience throughout their journey.

  • Review and Next Steps

    We will have a review call where I’ll take you through my findings, share the strategy document and answer any questions. Following this, we will book a 30 day check-in call. There is also the option to discussing a continuation of our partnership so I can lead on the implementation of my recommendations.

Want to know more?

Book a 30 minute “no expectations” call in with me to chat more about how we could work together.