My Services

Email Marketing Masterclass

Remaining the channel with the best ROI (some stats saying 46x!) Email Marketing is a brilliant way to make sales for your company. I will audit and analyse your existing Email Marketing campaigns (editorial and sales) and give you advice on how to improve them whilst balancing your commercial and brand objectives.

Are your campaigns packing enough punch? As someone who has worked with Email Marketing for 14 years, I know what it takes to send a brilliant email. Let me help your business supercharge your Email Marketing and share my tried and true expertise with you.

What’s Covered?

  • How an email looks has a huge impact on performance - but not always in the ways you would think. I will use my expertise in email design to determine the best ways to improve the engagement and revenue from your campaigns.

  • Getting the words right are key to impactful campaigns. From the first glance through to the call to action, I can provide actionable recommendations for fine-tuning your copy in order to boost the open and click rates.

  • What’s it all about? A strong theme and template for your campaign can create recognition with your customer and reinforce your brand. I will review your campaign calendar and themes and provide feedback as well as suggestions for you to build into your upcoming marketing plans.

  • Email remains top when it comes to sales and promotions. I’ve led promotions at retail start ups for years, breaking records in performance and project managing the largest sale periods (hello, Black Friday!) cross functionally for businesses with great success - but always considering the customer experience. I’ll review and analyse your sales emails and data to provide actionable insight to elevate your sales performance and where you could weave promotions into your existing calendar.

  • No more batch and blast. Email gets a bad reputation from senders who do not properly segment, leading to customer dissatisfaction, high unsubscribes and eventual deliverability issues. Trust me, this is not one you can overlook. I’ll review your existing customer segments and provide recommendations on how you can adjust to improve performance in the short and long term.

  • Analysing your campaigns is crucial in understanding performance and where to go next to keep engagement and sales high. I’ll review your reporting, advise on your metrics and how to turn insight from the numbers into actions. If required, we can also discuss putting together a testing plan.

How It Works

  • Kick Off

    Send me your brand guidelines and objectives before our 60 minute kick off call. I’ll come armed with a strong understanding of your key messages and we can dive into your current setup and processes, dig into your pain points and I can ask and answer any questions.

  • Audit

    Let me take it away. I’ll conduct a full audit of your Email Marketing offering and put together a comprehensive, bespoke strategy document with recommendations on the existing set up, campaign improvements, new opportunities and how to measure your success.

  • Review and Next Steps

    We will have a review call where I’ll take you through my findings, share the strategy document and answer any questions. Following this, we will book a 30 day check-in call. There is also the option to discussing a continuation of our partnership so I can lead on the implementation of my recommendations.

Want to know more?

Book a 30 minute “no expectations” call in with me to chat more about how we could work together.