My Services

Full CRM Strategy

The works. As someone who has led CRM in many retail startups, I am best placed to help you craft a thoughtful, effective and complete CRM strategy.

I’ll use my expertise to audit your existing offering, diving into the available insight and applying the latest best practice to put together a comprehensive strategy that covers where to improve, new opportunities to explore and areas to test and iterate.

From there, you can roll out in house or I can manage this for you as an additional service.

What’s Covered?

  • Receive the full CRM audit - details available here.

  • Receive the full Email Marketing Masterclass - details available here.

  • The right data is fundamental to sending targeted, relevant campaigns that perform. I’ll review the customer data you’re capturing and the product attributes and values available to power personalisation and content. From there, I’ll recommend where you can improve your data to lay the groundwork for stronger reporting, better personalisation and more powerful messages.

  • CRM and personalisation go hand in hand - you want every touchpoint with the customer to feel like it’s built for them as an individual. I’ll look at your personalisation holistically, identifying new opportunities and ways to iterate on the existing efforts, and how you can weave this into everything you do.

  • It’s not just email. CRM impacts so much more - push messaging, onsite experience, app, direct mail, review capture, referrals, social media - aligning these channels and dismantling the silos that develop allows for a more consistent, personal experience for the customer. I will advise on ways to create a multichannel CRM experience that resonates deeply with your customers.

  • One of the most powerful tools you have are your own customers. They know your brand and experience it from the outside in, leading them to provide extremely useful insight. I can put together customer outreach recommendations including how to survey and analyse the responses and scheduling one-to-one calls with different segments of your audience.

  • Analysing your campaigns is crucial in understanding performance and where to go next to keep engagement and sales high. I’ll review your reporting, advise on your metrics and how to turn insight from the numbers into actions. If required, we can also discuss putting together a testing plan.

How It Works

  • Kick Off

    Send me your brand guidelines and objectives before our 60 minute kick off call. I’ll come armed with a strong understanding of your key messages and we can dive into your current setup and processes, dig into your pain points and I can ask and answer any questions.

  • Audit

    Let me take it away. I’ll conduct a full audit and put together a comprehensive, bespoke strategy document with recommendations on the existing set up, any new revenue generating opportunities and ways to improve the customer experience and encourage loyalty.

  • Review and Next Steps

    We’ll have a review call where I’ll take you through my findings, share the strategy document and answer any questions. Following this, we will book a 30 day check-in call. There is also the option to continue our partnership so I can lead on the implementation of my recommendations.

Want to know more?

Book a 30 minute “no expectations” call in with me to chat more about how we could work together.